My game favorite of street fighter
a guy who likes to draw and do other things
Joined on 4/8/21
My game favorite of street fighter
Idk how to do any of that things, and idk if there's someone that i know that can help ya
can you recommend a person who does pixel art or animations
yeah I wanna help. Can i dm you on discord?
I don't discord
@parra86rar @Jorge-Marques hmmmmm idk
@Takakakalot @Jorge-Marques any quick chatting apps?
@Takakakalot @Jorge-Marques @Jorge-Marques What is the name of your whatsapp account?
hi deggsu a question you know how to animate
@Jorge-Marques No i dont know how to animate :(
do you know someone who knows how to animate and wants to participate
if he doesn't want to do it, don't make it
@dreggsu @Jorge-Marques I have some friend called stevetherapper he knows how animate
Hello ?
can you make other poll?
games : toode and topdee, Sunnyside v the eggies and advent neon DEMO
Hello everyone who is still in this post, I know I'm a bit disappeared and I don't stay but talking to my friends unfortunately, it's because I'm programming ng fighters, then you ask me, how are you programming since there's no animation yet neither sprites nor music, what you said is true but I'm programming other things an example is the physics of the game the number of characters and others, so sorry for being missing, and no I won't change this poster for now
yu people are built different it would take me5 years to create a game like that
Thanks bro
Hi I'm a little gone, but I'll make an art in pixels of udertale in case you are in pixels, talking about undertale, who likes udertale, changing the subject someone wants to help in ng fighters can choose anyone from the list.
Mano entre todos da lista eu posso ajudar convidando pessoas porém vai ser um pouco difícil pois eu não tenho ninguém vou convidar então alguns br é americanos até espanhóis será podemos dizer uma ajuda coletiva, você pode me dizer quais são os caras que estão te ajudando !!!
Obrigado pelo apoio,quem està me ajudando muito é takakakalot
@Soufandebf @Jorge-Marques Baum do baum
all these images are just examples of how the bits and graphics should be equal to the street fighters 3 new generations game